Syracuse United Methodist Ministries is . .
Six United Methodist Congregations in the city of Syracuse
We are over 2000 members
We are multi-generation, multi-cultural and we embrace diversity
We are on the Northside, the Eastside, the Westside, the Southside and the Valley
We are food pantries, and free community meals
We are clothing closets
We are RESTART helping residents restart their lives by providing furniture and other “start-up” necessities . . .
We are multiple missions and ministries in Syracuse and around the world
We are served by four Pastors from Syracuse and Tobago and S. Korea and Michigan named Anderson and Norrix and Song and Wood
We are a people of prayer and a people of action
We are Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World
We are prepared to welcome you, work alongside you, and encourage you as we seek to bring help and hope to our city.